Musings #1

Okaaaay , how y’all doing ?

I thought I’d post something different this time (: . This is my Facebook post btw.

When ever I ask any of my friends whether they read books or watch movies or what’s the status of the goals they were so obsessed with at one time, Most of them reply “No time dude”

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Your commitments aren’t going to go down anytime soon , your interest to persevere, that should go up.
Unless we find Nicolas Flamel or the elixir of immortality, all of us are gonna die some time some place.

Image result for Nicolas Flamel

Would you prefer dying with the knowledge that you could have tried more or dying knowing that you’ve given your best?

You don’t have to make it . You have to reschedule the time ya have. If you really like something  , you won’t let it go so easy

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All the best people xD

Lemme know what ya think in the comments below .

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