Much Ado About Something

Okay , so Much Ado About Nothing is considered to be a Romantic Comedy with a Happy Ending . Here’s why I vehemently Disagree .

First off there’s Claudio ,

The Most Un-hero-ey Star of the Play . Doubts his betrothed immediately on the word of an established rascal , raises a ruckus and publicly shames her and insults everyone present.

Immediately agrees to marry his betrothed’s cousin sister on the eve of Hero’s staged death . (Mostly to acquire money )

Messed Up.

Jimmy Eat World smh reaction jim adkins

Man , that Cloud guy has his priorities straight doesn’t he ?

Leonato , the father of Hero himself doubts his daughter based on Claudio’s outburst .

(Hero is the name of Claudio’s betrothed , the daughter of Leonato)

#Impastor wtf what confused shocked

So Basically ,

Don John (Villain) – Claudio – Don Pedro – Leonato . All Taken In .

At the end , after finding out that the evil plan was in fact Don John’s , Claudio says a simple Sorry , everyone’s happy and Claudio and Hero marry each other .


  1. Claudio is likely an abusive husband
  2. He gets angry at the simplest of things
  3. He never really loved Hero as such (The only explanation we’re given is that he looked at her and fell in love . Period .) I mean where is Romance here :3 ?
  4. He’s money oriented
  5. Hero is waay too soft to voice her opinion .
  6. Claudio is Way too doubtful .

Benedict and Beatrice love story and ending was on point though .

will herring shakespeare play skull william shakespeare

Maybe ol’ Shake was toying with us . Claudio represents a pristine memory now Clouded , Benedict represents a purifying thistle to remedy an astray personality and so on .

So finally , what do ya guys think ?

Would they be happy or Sad ?

Lemme know below


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