Into the Heart of Anne Frank


(Wikipedia Article on her can be found here : Anne Frank )

Okay , I know I said that this was supposed to be a weekly feature but thought I’d post this one right now .Sorry but  I can’t help myself .

Her Story deserves to be known .

When bombs ranged around her , sheltering undercover , facing the grueling realities of life at a tender age , all because of the tyranny of a man who hated Jews .

Anne certainly didn’t have it easy .

As she says , she began writing her diary in order to gain companionship .

Dear Kitty , she addressed it .

Her dreams , life and unique style of writing , all are breathtakingly beautiful .

Some of her entries made me cry . Legit .

So optimistic , the thought of losing her life so soon didn’t occur to her .

A girl full of life , cruelly cut short like so many others .


Sometimes cheerful , mostly insightful and certainly well beyond her years *.*

Kind , compassionate and the voice of millions worldwide ,

Oppressed but not broken .

Bent but not shattered .

That’s Anne .


Life your life to the fullest , we don’t know when the string is going to be severed.

Whenever you have an evil fire raging around you , threatening to consume everything in its path , think of Anne Frank and her triumph . She’s long gone but her legacy lives on through her words . Her struggles motivate people to this day . Sometimes I do Believe that The Pen is Mightier than the Sword .

What did ya guys think ?

Lemme know below (:


Into The Heart of Frodo

Okaaay , hey guys . I thought I’d do a sort of weekly feature called “Into The Heart” which mainly focuses on the trials , tribulations , desires and basically the overall journey of life of a fictional character in a concise manner .


Without Much Ado , lets delve deep into fascinating Frodo .

Frodo , the heir of Bilbo Baggins decides to leave the Shire on hearing from Gandalf , The Wizard that the Ring he possesses is in fact , the One Ring Forged by the Dark Lord , Sauron.


He decides to take it to Rivendell , to the home of the Elf Lord , Elrond . In this journey , he is accompanied by his cousins and Sam .

During the forging of the Fellowship of the Ring , he decides to take the Ring to Mount Mordor to destroy it once and for all . In this doomed journey , Sam is his only companion .

Amidst astonishing feats of bravery and of course luck , they make it in one piece .

They meet Gollum , the previous owner of the Ring in a wretched condition . Frodo offers his sympathy as he realizes what the Ring does .

mr frodo

The burden grows heavier and heavier as the journey progresses .

lotr frodo elijah wood sean astin samwise gamgee

I think that agreeing to sneak under the nose of an All-Powerful Evil Lord in order to save the world no small feat .

Battered and Wounded in Mind and Body .

Courageous , Kind-hearted , Loyal .

A small man with a big heart , that’s our Frodo .

Sometimes in life , its hard to carry a heavy burden . You want to put it down , throw it away and make it all end but you can’t . Don’t let that bring you down . When I’m faced with something seemingly insurmountable , I think that I’m Frodo on the way to Mordor with the fate of the entire world on my small shoulders . That makes me inch a step forward no matter what .

Well what dya think ? Do let me know below .