The Shining

Book Review :

Genre : Fiction , Horror , Mystery , Supernatural , Paranormal .


Synopsis :

Danny was only five years old but in the words of old Mr Halloran he was a ‘shiner’, aglow with psychic voltage. When his father became caretaker of the Overlook Hotel his visions grew frighteningly out of control.

As winter closed in and blizzards cut them off, the hotel seemed to develop a life of its own. It was meant to be empty, but who was the lady in Room 217, and who were the masked guests going up and down in the elevator? And why did the hedges shaped like animals seem so alive?

Somewhere, somehow there was an evil force in the hotel – and that too had begun to shine…

My Review :

I normally don’t review books of the horror/supernatural genre . They’re just not my forte

Scary books aren’t even scary nowadays .

But this one’s different trust me .

After all you don’t make it to the Flash simply .


Um , No Not that Kind .

Image result for Flash

Remember the time Joe West goes on a date and watches a movie ? And Cisco tags along because he wants to get away from You Know Who ?

Remember the name of the movie ?

Yup , that’s right : The Shining inspired by this book right here .

The basic crux of this book centers on the principle of psychic voltage .


And how a family deals with an malevolent force present in the hotel .

While it may sound cliche at first glance , it is unequivocally not .

Danny , their son is aglow with psychic voltage . They call it the Shining .

Makes you pine for more .

With every turn , the suspense builds .

Its pretty hard to write a horror book .

Its even harder to make an engaging , intriguing and realistic one .

They don’t call Stephen King a master story teller without a reason .



A courageous wife , mother and an amazing woman all together ,

Wendy .

Sorry but I can’t write much here without giving away huuge spoilers and well that would just ruin the fun wouldn’t it ?


“Sometimes human places, create inhuman monsters.”

“The tears that heal are also the tears that scald and scourge.”



Probably one of the best psychological books I’ve ever read *.* , Hands down.

Would recommend it to everyone (:





Into the Heart of Anne Frank


(Wikipedia Article on her can be found here : Anne Frank )

Okay , I know I said that this was supposed to be a weekly feature but thought I’d post this one right now .Sorry but  I can’t help myself .

Her Story deserves to be known .

When bombs ranged around her , sheltering undercover , facing the grueling realities of life at a tender age , all because of the tyranny of a man who hated Jews .

Anne certainly didn’t have it easy .

As she says , she began writing her diary in order to gain companionship .

Dear Kitty , she addressed it .

Her dreams , life and unique style of writing , all are breathtakingly beautiful .

Some of her entries made me cry . Legit .

So optimistic , the thought of losing her life so soon didn’t occur to her .

A girl full of life , cruelly cut short like so many others .


Sometimes cheerful , mostly insightful and certainly well beyond her years *.*

Kind , compassionate and the voice of millions worldwide ,

Oppressed but not broken .

Bent but not shattered .

That’s Anne .


Life your life to the fullest , we don’t know when the string is going to be severed.

Whenever you have an evil fire raging around you , threatening to consume everything in its path , think of Anne Frank and her triumph . She’s long gone but her legacy lives on through her words . Her struggles motivate people to this day . Sometimes I do Believe that The Pen is Mightier than the Sword .

What did ya guys think ?

Lemme know below (:


The Hidden Oracle

Book Review :

Genre : Mythological Fantasy , Adventure , Humor


Synopsis :

How do you punish an immortal?

By making him human.

After angering his father Zeus, the god Apollo is cast down from Olympus. Weak and disorientated, he lands in New York City as a regular teenage boy. Now, without his godly powers, the four-thousand-year-old deity must learn to survive in the modern world until he can somehow find a way to regain Zeus’s favor.

But Apollo has many enemies—gods, monsters and mortals who would love to see the former Olympian permanently destroyed. Apollo needs help, and he can think of only one place to go… an enclave of modern demigods known as Camp Half-Blood.

My Review :

My initial reaction when I heard that Riordan was going to write another series in the Percy Jackson World taking place after the Blood of Olympus was literally :

happy excited brad pitt happy dance hell yeah

And what an amazin job he does too .

Its certainly one of the most funniest books he’s ever written and the first from a Narcissistic God’s POV .

Makes a pretty nice transition from the normal teenage demigod series .

And Oh I almost forgot to mention , we get see


Most of the old cast including Percy , Nico and Leooo




Apollo .

He’s a funny , spoilt , narcissistic , blundering brat  literally but you end up rooting for him . Some of the emotional scenes were just *.*

Mainly the reason why this book is so enjoyable and almost un-put-down-able .


“Nothing is more tragic than loving someone to the depths of your soul and knowing they cannot and will not ever love you back.”

“Things can turn out differently, Apollo. That’s the nice thing about being human. We only have one life, but we can choose what kind of story it’s going to be.”


5 STARS !!

Absolutely stunning .. But it has some Spoilers so if ya haven’t read the previous serious , I think its better to get through that first in my opinion (:


What did ya guys think ?

Lemme know below (:




Into The Heart of Frodo

Okaaay , hey guys . I thought I’d do a sort of weekly feature called “Into The Heart” which mainly focuses on the trials , tribulations , desires and basically the overall journey of life of a fictional character in a concise manner .


Without Much Ado , lets delve deep into fascinating Frodo .

Frodo , the heir of Bilbo Baggins decides to leave the Shire on hearing from Gandalf , The Wizard that the Ring he possesses is in fact , the One Ring Forged by the Dark Lord , Sauron.


He decides to take it to Rivendell , to the home of the Elf Lord , Elrond . In this journey , he is accompanied by his cousins and Sam .

During the forging of the Fellowship of the Ring , he decides to take the Ring to Mount Mordor to destroy it once and for all . In this doomed journey , Sam is his only companion .

Amidst astonishing feats of bravery and of course luck , they make it in one piece .

They meet Gollum , the previous owner of the Ring in a wretched condition . Frodo offers his sympathy as he realizes what the Ring does .

mr frodo

The burden grows heavier and heavier as the journey progresses .

lotr frodo elijah wood sean astin samwise gamgee

I think that agreeing to sneak under the nose of an All-Powerful Evil Lord in order to save the world no small feat .

Battered and Wounded in Mind and Body .

Courageous , Kind-hearted , Loyal .

A small man with a big heart , that’s our Frodo .

Sometimes in life , its hard to carry a heavy burden . You want to put it down , throw it away and make it all end but you can’t . Don’t let that bring you down . When I’m faced with something seemingly insurmountable , I think that I’m Frodo on the way to Mordor with the fate of the entire world on my small shoulders . That makes me inch a step forward no matter what .

Well what dya think ? Do let me know below .

Much Ado About Something

Okay , so Much Ado About Nothing is considered to be a Romantic Comedy with a Happy Ending . Here’s why I vehemently Disagree .

First off there’s Claudio ,

The Most Un-hero-ey Star of the Play . Doubts his betrothed immediately on the word of an established rascal , raises a ruckus and publicly shames her and insults everyone present.

Immediately agrees to marry his betrothed’s cousin sister on the eve of Hero’s staged death . (Mostly to acquire money )

Messed Up.

Jimmy Eat World smh reaction jim adkins

Man , that Cloud guy has his priorities straight doesn’t he ?

Leonato , the father of Hero himself doubts his daughter based on Claudio’s outburst .

(Hero is the name of Claudio’s betrothed , the daughter of Leonato)

#Impastor wtf what confused shocked

So Basically ,

Don John (Villain) – Claudio – Don Pedro – Leonato . All Taken In .

At the end , after finding out that the evil plan was in fact Don John’s , Claudio says a simple Sorry , everyone’s happy and Claudio and Hero marry each other .


  1. Claudio is likely an abusive husband
  2. He gets angry at the simplest of things
  3. He never really loved Hero as such (The only explanation we’re given is that he looked at her and fell in love . Period .) I mean where is Romance here :3 ?
  4. He’s money oriented
  5. Hero is waay too soft to voice her opinion .
  6. Claudio is Way too doubtful .

Benedict and Beatrice love story and ending was on point though .

will herring shakespeare play skull william shakespeare

Maybe ol’ Shake was toying with us . Claudio represents a pristine memory now Clouded , Benedict represents a purifying thistle to remedy an astray personality and so on .

So finally , what do ya guys think ?

Would they be happy or Sad ?

Lemme know below


Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Book Review :

Genre : Fantasy , Fiction , Magic , Young Adult



It was always difficult being Harry Potter and it isn’t much easier now that he is an overworked employee of the Ministry of Magic, a husband and father of three school-age children.

While Harry grapples with a past that refuses to stay where it belongs, his youngest son Albus must struggle with the weight of a family legacy he never wanted. As past and present fuse ominously, both father and son learn the uncomfortable truth: sometimes, darkness comes from unexpected places.

My Review :

It turned out pretty good . No kidding .

Harry’s a Minister of Magic , Ron’s goofy as usual and Hermione is her usual self .

harry potter magic harry james lily

They have to bond together again in order to take down The Cursed Child ,

Who happens to be Tom’s kid .

A wonder his wand was still working . (Ew , I know )

harry potter magic wand wands wands up

Albus and Scorpius‘ relationship is heart-rendering .

New Squad Goals .

And Draco is all grown up now . Responsible and stuff instead of wimpy .

Best Moment :

Pssst , Snape appears for a short while and Gods , what a scene . Ron maybe the only guy who made it outta the friendzone but Snape is the only guy who goes through so much after being friendzoned  imo . However I digress . That part was just breath-taking .


Best Character

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Scorpius Malfoy .

He’s adorable , fun and all in all very entertaining . Some of his exploits are just amazing .

The Not So Good Part :

The Play Format is pretty different after getting used to all the previous books . But that’s a small obstacle to overcome if ya really wanna read it . (And some parts were pretty different from what I expected )

Best Quote :

“Harry, there is never a perfect answer in this messy, emotional world. Perfection is beyond the reach of humankind, beyond the reach of magic. In every shining moment of happiness is that drop of poison: the knowledge that pain will come again. Be honest to those you love, show your pain. To suffer is as human as to breathe.”

Overall Rating :

Image result for 3.5 stars

Its a nostalgic and enjoyable ride all right . I’d recommend it to every Hp fan out there . But ….its more of a standalone than a sequel

What did ya think ,

Lemme know below

Musings #1

Okaaaay , how y’all doing ?

I thought I’d post something different this time (: . This is my Facebook post btw.

When ever I ask any of my friends whether they read books or watch movies or what’s the status of the goals they were so obsessed with at one time, Most of them reply “No time dude”

Image result for books

Your commitments aren’t going to go down anytime soon , your interest to persevere, that should go up.
Unless we find Nicolas Flamel or the elixir of immortality, all of us are gonna die some time some place.

Image result for Nicolas Flamel

Would you prefer dying with the knowledge that you could have tried more or dying knowing that you’ve given your best?

You don’t have to make it . You have to reschedule the time ya have. If you really like something  , you won’t let it go so easy

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All the best people xD

Lemme know what ya think in the comments below .

Non deficere

Hello there , How’s it going ? An informal post here again .

Sometimes in life , you feel like giving up .

Sometimes you think that you’ve had enough and can’t go any further .

That it’d all be better if you never started .

That you haven’t achieved anything after all you’ve worked for .

Looking on top you see people already on the pinnacle with much lesser drive .

Some people are born with a silver spoon.

Image result for spoon

Some people possess Kekkei Genkai .

Image result for sharingan

Some people never have to strive hard .

Some people are Saiyajin . They grow stronger each time they fall down .

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Some people have to struggle just to make up .

That’s just Life . You can’t argue with that .

Just remember that no matter the hardness of the path determines its meaning .

You’ve come a long way.

Image result for Never give up

Lemme know what ya think in the comments below .

Start-up or Start-down ? among Other Things

All right , I’ve always wanted to have a startup .

No kidding . I know it’s the latest craze after app-dev and stuff but I really want one xP

On an unrelated note , I met a guy at college . He has his own company . 3 to be precise . The amount of work he puts in is simply amazing . So a shout-out to ya bud xD

Comin’ back , I thought I’d start my own restaurant .

Table in Vintage Restaurant

Everyone I know knows that I’m waaaaaaaaay passionate bout food . And Sleeping . (No Sleeping Lounge plans tho)

But seriously , I’m thinking of something different . Something that would differentiate in an instant .

Maybe with some Wacky Looney Toons Mashup or Dbz or Pokemon .

Maybe LOTR .

Maybe Hp.

One Gandalf-Shake plis . With two spoons of Pikachu Plum and Vegeta Salad . Throw a Raditz to mix and it should be Charizarred .

I don’t know how it’ll fare . I don’t know if I’ll succeed .

What I do know is I’m taking this step soon . Very Soon . And Give my All .

And along with this I’m also thinking of freelancing . In order to ya know , help my Lambo Goal as in me previous post :3

I’ll post updates (:

What dya feel .

Lemme know below .

Lamborghini Goals

All right people , I’m gonna do an informal life-post now (:

On an unrelated note ,I just started watching Naruto btw .

what confused paul rudd confusion amy poehler

I know . I know . Better late than never I guess huh xP

And now moving on to the crux ,

Image result for Lamborghini

Its always been my dream to own a Lambo , an Aventador to be precise .

And wait for it ….

I really wanna buy it within a year.

lol laughing laugh leonardo dicaprio busting up

Oh boy , Laugh all ya want . I ain’t goin’ down so easy ( Cliche af tho :3 )

I’m in college now .Freshman year. First sem .

In INR it probably would be umm 4, 70 , 00 , 000

Which is like 500 lakhs .Which means I need to earn like 500/12 lakhs per month .

40 lakhs per frikkin month .

Without even having a standard source of income ?

Hell yeah . Aim High homies , We’ll get the stars .

Image result for stars

I’ll post an update each month/week to tell y’all how I’m doin.

Basically to keep myself motivated :/

Letz hope for the best .

What dya feel ?

Do lemme know in the comments below (:

Constructive criticism and suggestions are always welcome xD

Cya latr peeps