The Amulet of Samarkhand


Author : Jonathan Stroud

Genre : Fantasy/Magic/History


This one’s a whopper . No kidding .

“Nathaniel is a boy magician-in-training, sold to the government by his birth parents at the age of five and sent to live as an apprentice to a master. Powerful magicians rule Britain, and its empire, and Nathaniel is told his is the “ultimate sacrifice” for a “noble destiny.”

Hmm reminds you a teeeeny bit of Harry Potter , doesn’t it ?

game of thrones jon snow you know nothing

It’s totally unrelated . The similarities with HP are that both deal with magic . That’s all.

This book introduces a very interesting premise involving a 5000 year old djinni .

It’s pronounced genie fyi

Disney shocked aladdin genie jaw drop

Nope , not this guy .

This book’s darker , witty , soulful and a surprisingly realistic read .

Nathaniel left to the whims of his not so great master , breaks and out and summons Bartimaeus , the aforementioned djinni to avenge his insult at the hands of Simon Lovelace , a ruthless practitioner by trying to steal The Amulet of Samarkhand

The characters and settings are wonderfully drawn out .


Bartimaeus , No guesses there .

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Oh my God , Bartimaeus is like the main Highlight of this WHOLE book . His quips , quirks , arrogance and demeanor keep you so brilliantly engrossed , you actually begin rooting for him.

The Simpsons applause clapping nelson muntz clap


“One magician demanded I show him an image of the love of his life. I rustled up a mirror.”

“I had a chance at him now. Things were a bit more even. He knew my name, I knew his. He had six years’ experience, I had five thousand and ten. That was the kind of odds that you could do something with.”


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Totally recommended to anyone who enjoys even a bit of dark humor .

How did you feel this was ?

All suggestions welcome 🙂

Mistborn – The Final Empire

GenreEpic Fantasy 


To be honest , I hadn’t heard of this at all . I picked it up by chance at a local bookstore . The synopsis sounded intriguing :

In a world where ash falls from the sky, and mist dominates the night, an evil cloaks the land and stifles all life. The future of the empire rests on the shoulders of a troublemaker and his young apprentice

Got me hooked . Brandon Sanderson accomplishes his work skillfully and masterfully .From an amazing intrinsically crafted magic system to like able characters , this one’s got it all . Packs quite a punch .

It follows the trials of Kelsier , The Survivor of Hathsin and Vin , a young girl whose “Luck” seems to favor her whenever she draws on it .

Adrift with Downtrodden servants , a tyrant God-King and brilliant world-building , it never fails to disappoint . (This ain’t no regular cliche book)

And OH , I almsot forgot


Favorite character

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Kelsier , Hands down

Planning Skills , Brilliance , Compassion , Quirks , Combat skills . Certainly one of the best epic fantasy heroes ever .

Favorite Quotes :

“There’s always another secret”

“But you can’t kill me, Lord Tyrant. I represent that one thing you’ve never been able to kill, no matter how hard you try. I am hope.”



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It’s actually that good .

PS : I rarely rate stuff 5/5 .

What did you feel about this book ? Any book / book review recommendations are welcome xP.

Do lemme know what ya think in the comments below .

Adios for now.



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