Into The Heart of Frodo

Okaaay , hey guys . I thought I’d do a sort of weekly feature called “Into The Heart” which mainly focuses on the trials , tribulations , desires and basically the overall journey of life of a fictional character in a concise manner .


Without Much Ado , lets delve deep into fascinating Frodo .

Frodo , the heir of Bilbo Baggins decides to leave the Shire on hearing from Gandalf , The Wizard that the Ring he possesses is in fact , the One Ring Forged by the Dark Lord , Sauron.


He decides to take it to Rivendell , to the home of the Elf Lord , Elrond . In this journey , he is accompanied by his cousins and Sam .

During the forging of the Fellowship of the Ring , he decides to take the Ring to Mount Mordor to destroy it once and for all . In this doomed journey , Sam is his only companion .

Amidst astonishing feats of bravery and of course luck , they make it in one piece .

They meet Gollum , the previous owner of the Ring in a wretched condition . Frodo offers his sympathy as he realizes what the Ring does .

mr frodo

The burden grows heavier and heavier as the journey progresses .

lotr frodo elijah wood sean astin samwise gamgee

I think that agreeing to sneak under the nose of an All-Powerful Evil Lord in order to save the world no small feat .

Battered and Wounded in Mind and Body .

Courageous , Kind-hearted , Loyal .

A small man with a big heart , that’s our Frodo .

Sometimes in life , its hard to carry a heavy burden . You want to put it down , throw it away and make it all end but you can’t . Don’t let that bring you down . When I’m faced with something seemingly insurmountable , I think that I’m Frodo on the way to Mordor with the fate of the entire world on my small shoulders . That makes me inch a step forward no matter what .

Well what dya think ? Do let me know below .

Musings #1

Okaaaay , how y’all doing ?

I thought I’d post something different this time (: . This is my Facebook post btw.

When ever I ask any of my friends whether they read books or watch movies or what’s the status of the goals they were so obsessed with at one time, Most of them reply “No time dude”

Image result for books

Your commitments aren’t going to go down anytime soon , your interest to persevere, that should go up.
Unless we find Nicolas Flamel or the elixir of immortality, all of us are gonna die some time some place.

Image result for Nicolas Flamel

Would you prefer dying with the knowledge that you could have tried more or dying knowing that you’ve given your best?

You don’t have to make it . You have to reschedule the time ya have. If you really like something  , you won’t let it go so easy

Image result for clock

All the best people xD

Lemme know what ya think in the comments below .