Start-up or Start-down ? among Other Things

All right , I’ve always wanted to have a startup .

No kidding . I know it’s the latest craze after app-dev and stuff but I really want one xP

On an unrelated note , I met a guy at college . He has his own company . 3 to be precise . The amount of work he puts in is simply amazing . So a shout-out to ya bud xD

Comin’ back , I thought I’d start my own restaurant .

Table in Vintage Restaurant

Everyone I know knows that I’m waaaaaaaaay passionate bout food . And Sleeping . (No Sleeping Lounge plans tho)

But seriously , I’m thinking of something different . Something that would differentiate in an instant .

Maybe with some Wacky Looney Toons Mashup or Dbz or Pokemon .

Maybe LOTR .

Maybe Hp.

One Gandalf-Shake plis . With two spoons of Pikachu Plum and Vegeta Salad . Throw a Raditz to mix and it should be Charizarred .

I don’t know how it’ll fare . I don’t know if I’ll succeed .

What I do know is I’m taking this step soon . Very Soon . And Give my All .

And along with this I’m also thinking of freelancing . In order to ya know , help my Lambo Goal as in me previous post :3

I’ll post updates (:

What dya feel .

Lemme know below .

Lamborghini Goals

All right people , I’m gonna do an informal life-post now (:

On an unrelated note ,I just started watching Naruto btw .

what confused paul rudd confusion amy poehler

I know . I know . Better late than never I guess huh xP

And now moving on to the crux ,

Image result for Lamborghini

Its always been my dream to own a Lambo , an Aventador to be precise .

And wait for it ….

I really wanna buy it within a year.

lol laughing laugh leonardo dicaprio busting up

Oh boy , Laugh all ya want . I ain’t goin’ down so easy ( Cliche af tho :3 )

I’m in college now .Freshman year. First sem .

In INR it probably would be umm 4, 70 , 00 , 000

Which is like 500 lakhs .Which means I need to earn like 500/12 lakhs per month .

40 lakhs per frikkin month .

Without even having a standard source of income ?

Hell yeah . Aim High homies , We’ll get the stars .

Image result for stars

I’ll post an update each month/week to tell y’all how I’m doin.

Basically to keep myself motivated :/

Letz hope for the best .

What dya feel ?

Do lemme know in the comments below (:

Constructive criticism and suggestions are always welcome xD

Cya latr peeps